The Pink Lady of O'Hare Mansion in Greencastle, Indiana

O'Hare Mansion in Greencastle, Indiana

The photo of the Pink Lady of Greencastle is one of the most famous in the United States. The photos were taken by a man named Guy Winters and were taken during a investigation at the O’Hare Mansion in Greencastle, IN, the photos reportedly show a ghostly woman standing near the window. Many believe the eerie figure is Irene O’Hare, the former lady of the manor. Guy Winters and Terry Lambert the two investigators, were featured on “Ghosts Caught On Tape,” the two men revealed photos of strange lights here and my favorite most terrifying image, the image to out-do all ghost photos, the spectral bride in a window who after being computer-enhanced, looked more like a skeleton wrapped in a sheet. The location was even updated on “My Ghost Stories” on BIO, which revealed the owner of the property leveled the place to keep paranormal researchers out of it

One of the descendants of the O'Hare family, a woman named Mary took along several family photos to her meeting with Guy. Mary was able to recognise her mother, Irene O'Hare, as being The Pink Lady in the upstairs bedroom window (the window the image was captured in was her mothers bedroom window.) and the lady in pink seen in the back door to be her aunty Vera O'Hare. The identity of the Gold Lady is unknown.

The Gold Lady


  1. I've went to it before and i got to say the legend is true i like to go and see if the legend is true but i liked the legend today peace out XD


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